


Vitamins and other nutrients do not absorb in the body without the proper minerals present. Today we have deficient soil since the 80’s it has been over depleted and every single day you need 72 essential minerals in your body. According to Dr. Joel Wallach, Minerals are the currency of life. The secret to life is ”currency-flow”, our body is bio-electric. Dr. Fred Bell states ”the mineral kingdom acts as a neurotransmitter, not only to the DNA helix in your crystalline matrix but also to the DNA helix equivalent in all things composed of matter on the material plane.

Hormones vs Minerals

 If you have the minerals present every thing else will absorb and hormones will function properly. Have you noticed how In our society today - the male figure has been completely depleted like the masculine force. Well, that's absolutely not by coincidence: if you take away the right minerals you don't absorb the right vitamins and nutrients and then hormones don't function properly. Not to mention all the synthetic xenoestrogens - a type of synthetic chemicals that imitates estrogens and it's highly present in processed foods, cosmetics and many other products that caused the disruption of those endocrine glands and those systems.   The mineral kingdom acts as the neurotransmitter not only to the DNA helix in your crystalline matrix but also to the DNA helix equivalent in all things composed of matter on material plane. Minerals are the laying the groundwork for a strong and healthy temple and also responsible for the proper switching speeds of synaptic vessels located in the receptor sides of the brain in any animals - including us humans.


Here's the big deal - this is what gives us a feeling of satisfaction when we pursue things - you know that reward center in the brain, the majority of people go around seeking for dopamine and instant gratification fixes - we need to have that feeling that gives us self-esteem like we've accomplished something. If you take minerals out of the equation we start to look for the substitute and dopamine rushes and things that are detrimental because we're not getting the organic feeling of accomplishment achievement as it's not possible without the right minerals in the body. Without the proper trace minerals our hormones responsible for the reward system feelings cannot function properly. Apathy, lack of motivation, chronic fatigue, low sexual drive - all those symptoms are becoming the average condition for the majority of individuals. TRACE MINERALS maintain serotonin levels and help support reaching ''higher level of consciousness''- i.e., good feelings. Without those minerals present in your body, serotonin drains back into the endocrine glands known to cause a depressed mood. There's an epidemic of people these days that are suffer of depression - as I've mentioned previously - the soil is completely depleted of minerals therefore even if you eat all the ''healthy vegetables' and organic, so if you're not supplementing it's a deficiency sentence.

Proper Absorption

Our gut microbiota has an essential role on the bioaccessibility and bioavailability of trace minerals - to eliminate chemicals, sweetenrs and other damaging substances from our diet is also very important to sustain our overall health.Mineral deficiency will cause your receptor glands responsible to drain serotonin back into the endocrine glands and it causes depressed mood. Minerals are the most critical fuel, since without them - vitamins DO NOT work... and hormones become compromised. Hormones are consciousness. Therefore, CONSCIOUSNESS is altered and compromised and the BIO-ELETRIC capacity runs on mineral stores. Your ability to run ''energy'' requires adequate mineral stores, all day - every day. Consciousness is divine presence - awareness that you exist - the most powerful life force.

The root of all disease

Like best-selling author Raymond Francis says in his best selling book ''Never be sick again'' there's only one disease in the body : cellular malfunction caused by - i) deficiencies and ii) toxicities. If you are deficient in minerals you have both problems because the body cannot detoxify properly and it's also compromised since it cannot absorb whatever else you're putting in. The body also runs on bioelectric system and it's ability to run on energy requires adequate mineral stores. Well, if you don't have the right minerals everything you purchase - from vitamins to fitness supplements - you're wasting your money away as it WILL NOT BE ABSORBED. Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our system than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume. The alarming fact is that foods, fruits and vegetables, and grains, now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of essential minerals are now starving the population - no matter how much we eat. Well, there's an interesting phenomenon in the animal industry called ''cribbing'' - when a horse is depleted of calcium and other trace minerals it starts to eat the wood in its stable.

The ''elites'' did it again...

The snack industry started to emerge and propagate itself everywhere at the same timing the soil started to become mineral deficient. The bottom line is this: people will continuously eat several times a day, spending large sums of money in mineral deficient foods that will keep them starving and paradoxically gaining weight. Your body needs the right fuel to convert everything else into energy - this is not some mystic concept and yet is so deficient in your modern environment. You do not have wealth if you do not have health.  Elite families DO NOT eat what ''mainstream'' classes put in their mouths and the average person does not know anything about it.


The primary change starts eliminating certain substances - as I stated before bioaccessibility and bioavailability of trace minerals depend upon a healhty gut microbiota and I am currently building a channel breaking it down to a deeper level of understanding - however here are the primordial changes on your diet: i) Eliminate sweeteners from your diet - saccharin, aspartame, sucralose and others are affecting your minerals absorption. There has not found - so far - any damaging effects from Stevia. It's even better to consume organic sources of sugar such as coconut sugar - in moderation - rather than sweeteners. And absolutely mandatory to start reading labels of the foods you are about to purchase and consume to indentify such dangerous elements. ii) Eliminate processed foods and specially fried foods - the ones containing vegetable oils such as palm, soybean, sunflower, peanut, cotton, corn oil, margarine, etc. All those substances are impacting your body's best capacity to properly synthesise trace minerals. iii) Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs); iv) Processed milk and processed cheese. V) gluten - however I'll open specifically for this subject. Do you see? ​ Very often your health depends much upon the damaging substances you remove from your diet than the very expensive supplements mainstream companies are trying to sell you as an ''instant-fix'' for your problems. ​ Now that we have discussed a couple things to be removed from your daily-habits - it's time to come with the essential foods you should be consuming on a daily basis. But first let me tell you a little story about The Hunzas - who live in what's now northen Pakistan, they were so famous for health and longevity - considered the longest lived and healthiest people in the planet. Their diet consisted of plenty of meat such as goat, lamb, eggs, cheese, butter, some tomatoes, green peppers, garlic and onions but very importantly: wood ashes. Very high animal fat and minerals.

Sea Salt

My family always had a farm and since many years ago we grow cows - specially Angus, and as a child I used to remember on a daily basis during afternoon time they would get all the animals together - and give them guess what - SEA SALT. Every single farmer is aware cows aren't able to survive only by eating ''grass'' - To finally fix your mineral deficiency - here is your number one step: increase your salt consumption. And I mean INTEGRAL SALT - it can boost of as many as 75 minerals and trace elements. The mainstream doctors will sure tell you to stay away from ''salt'' and disseminate the myth it raises blood pressure. Truth is - the number one cause for high blood pressure is magnesium deficiency - which you can easily fix by adding more sea salt to your diet. For obvious reasons the pharmaceutical industry isn't interested in sea salt as a key element to fix your health - let that sit for a minute or two. You can as well increase your beef consumption - cows are given large amounts of sea salt - by consuming its meat you're automatically getting minerals - far more than chicken, for example.

Phosphorous vs Calcium

From now on you better start taking notes as we're getting adding a bit more of complexity to this subject. Our ancestors used to feed themselves mainly on an animal diet - however they wouldn't mainly consume meat itself. Here's the big idea: our body requires a correct amount of phosphorus vs calcium. More phosphorus equals more need for calcium. Modern diet is highly unbalancing your body as most foods are very high phosphorus/calcium ratio. If you believe the myth milk will provide you with enough calcium you have been deceived - as milk itself has a 1.3Ca vs 1P. According to Dr. Wallach - the ideal rate is 2Ca vs 1P. No expansive supplement or any ''quick human fix'' will outperform nature as the whole animal presents itself with the perfect ratio.

Change your diet

To consume bones broth on a weekly basis will ensure you get plenty of minerals - for a very cheap price as you can get bones for free on your local butcher shop. To include also organs such as heart and liver will surely give you plenty of minerals. So here's a quick summary on how to properly fix your mineral deficiency: ​ 1. Sea salt; 2. Bones broth; 3. Meat and organs; 4. Coconuts; 5. Cocoa (dark chocolate is a great choice to include in your diet); 6. Fermented food such as Sauerkraut and fermented vegetables in general, kefir, butter as it contains butyric acid - a fatty acid that feeds the gut microbiota, etc. All those foods will help your mineral absorption by promoting our healthy bacterias. 7. Supplement the most important minerals magnesium, selenium and zinc (it has to contain copper as well as they compete with each other); 8. Eggs; 9. Swiss lemonade, by consuming whole lemons you get up to 5 times more minerals and plenty of Vitamine C. 10. Fulvic Acid as it transports minerals and nutrients to cells more effectively, which boosts absorption rate.

Disclaimer: This is NOT medical advice. Educational purposes – you should always do your own research

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